
Happiness Being Single - How To Find Happiness In Your Life
By Danna F Rossi
Many time people associate happiness with companionship with others. Intimate relationships are the number #1 type of relationship that many people seek as a way to avoid loneliness and find happiness. Happiness being single is possible, but may feel hopeless at first. When you end up single, the loneliness creeps back in and you start to feel undesirable or even worse, unloved. When learning how to find happiness being single, it is important to understand that true happiness is found within you. Everlasting happiness is something that you have access to any moment of any day. It is something that nobody can give you and nobody can take away from you. Finding happiness within yourself doesn't mean that you can never enjoy the companionship or receive love that others have to gift you in life. It simply means that you become strong and independent in your ability to have happiness in any given moment in your life, even when you are single. To effectively understand how to find happiness being single, then you must understand what love really is. Being in love is a wonderful feeling, especially in the beginning of a relationship. Then the dreamy person you once felt would enrich your life and cause you to daydream at work suddenly turns into a monster you wish you never knew. Heartbreak only deepens the ensuing loneliness to follow and you soon grow weary while pondering how to find happiness in your life. Have you ever wondered why it feels so good in the beginning of a relationship, but then it fades away over time? This happens because in the beginning of a relationship, you don't know very much about your partner and therefore have no judgments of them. You simply love them for who they are, regardless. You love them because you can. You love them because you feel like it and that's it. When you love ANYONE without judgment then that creates happiness. LOVE IS HAPPINESS FROM WITHIN YOU. Your ability to experience how to find happiness being single is directly related to your ability to love (anyone and anything) simply because you can without judgment and without expecting anything in return. When you love you feel good, when you feel good, you are happy. Loving is a choice you can make anytime of the day and at any given moment. If you find that you are unable to love, it is because you have judgments in the way. By judgments I mean things like, "I don't like him/her anymore because he/she does ___ and that irritates me." "I don't like" statements are judgments that get stuck in your body and make you hate the people around you and your surroundings. When you start to hate, then everybody around you starts to get uneasy and restless with you. Before you know it, things have slid down hill so fast that it becomes un-repairable. You are alwaysfree to decide that certain people and things in life are not for your highest good. But this doesn't mean that you should retain a feeling of hate about that person or situation in your body. After all, you are the only one who will really pay the price. Find things to be grateful for. Turn away from bitterness and choose peace as best you can. Focus on things that you can love simply because you can. Fill your single life full of people places and things that you can love and before you know it, you will have found happiness being single. May happiness envelope your single life. May you use this opportunity to grow strong and steadfast in your own ability to love the world and more importantly, yourself.


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