

What Makes a Relationship Last Longer

By Karim Yousaf

Today women and men alike strive to maintain the same level of charisma and chemistry which is present at the beginning of their relationship. Some people rely on expensive gifts to make their partner happy, whereas some try to keep things fresh by trying new things together, yet others try to change the way they look. In this article I will give you a few simple tips to make your relationship stronger and long-lasting. 1. Listen More, Hear Less: Listening is hearing plus understanding the meaning of what someone is trying to say, whereas, hearing means that you can perceive the sound but not its meaning. Now stop for a second and think about how much time you spend listening and hearing your partner? If you are a good listener, you have the ability to maintain a long-term relationship but if you tend to hear more, you have to change this habit as it becomes the basis for many of the misunderstandings couples develop between themselves. 2. Trust More: Being possessive to a certain degree is fine but do not become obsessed about the person you love. Everyone needs space and your partner is no exception to the rule. Also, if you hear anything related to your partner from a third person, think about the validity of the source and the story before confronting your partner about it. Some people get agitated when questioned unnecessarily about their past or invalid rumors. 3. Keep Yourself Busy: Keeping yourself busy will keep your mind occupied and prevent you from thinking over pointless issues. Moreover, you will have a lot of things to share with your partner which will prevent you from getting bored in each other's presence. 4. Be Patient: If you do not like some of the things your partner does, do not fret or ask them to change. Just remember nobody is perfect. 5. Encourage and Complement: Do not be shy to encourage and complement your partner on his/her achievements and qualities. Gestures and words touch the heart and heart-felt things are not forgotten soon. 6. Take Out Time For Each Other: Do not give other things priority over your partner; he/she may end up feeling neglected even if you did not intend this to happen. If you are really busy, confront your partner about your problem and try to take out at least 1 hour out of your 24 hours for them. 

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